The Aftermath…of Hebrew Midterm Day

Sorry I really needed to take a break from the “About Me Chronicles” and give you a spectacular update on me and Donna. We got a ministry job this past week. We were approved to work for a ministry called NeighborNet, and we will be moving this week. SO…admist the chaos of preparing for multiple exams, and trying to have a good time with friends, (which is a rare occurance), we found out that we will have our first real ministry position together, it’s a big deal, and i am very excited about it. We will have to be out of our apartment here in Carroll Park by November 2nd, but God is good, and last night we were able to have 3 of my friends here at the seminary help us move the majority of our stuff over to the house. What a blessing. I am praying for the rest of this semester that God’s name would be glorified in everything that I do. Today was super busy. Had my hebrew midterm, and then managed to get packing started at the house. God whatever you are going to do, just keep doing it and don’t stop.

About Joel.D.Freeman

Full-time English teacher in East Asia. Writer, chef, dad, husband...
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