Restoring the dead

It doesn’t necessarily matter that this post has such a morbid title as why it’s being written. I feel like God is bringing my soul up for air, it has been drowning for the longest time and God finally has me forsaking what was making me so broken and running into his loving arms. Today after much prayer and much wresting with my heart, I decided to give everything in me over to God’s control and let true healing really really begin in my life. I want to talk about this more, so I will have to blog from my computer, since this post is from my iPhone. (Gotta love the WordPress app) anyway, look for more explanation later on. I will get busy writing. Blogging, journaling, just a whole lot of stuff to be said.

In his service,


About Joel.D.Freeman

Full-time English teacher in East Asia. Writer, chef, dad, husband...
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