Movie Review: BRAVE


In the tradition of Disney Pixar movies, BRAVE certainly doesn’t disappoint. This movie delivers such a great story, and a great lesson. We must always cherish the relationships most precious to us.

Merida is a princess who has a great deal of expectations placed upon her by her mother. She feels that her mother controls her, and she does whatever she can to cha nge what her mom has in store for her. When a conflict arises, Merida runs to a witch, who gives Merida a spell that can change “her fate”, well, instead of the fate being changed, her mom changes form and turns into a bear! It becomes a test for Merida to change her back, and fight for her special bond with her mother.

This movie was great, I hope that you will think so too.

About Joel.D.Freeman

Full-time English teacher in East Asia. Writer, chef, dad, husband...
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