The Grind – The Daily Struggle

I don’t want to imply anything to anyone with a title that includes the world “struggle”. I mean yes, we all have them, it’s part of our daily lives, but we have to for a moment, remember that everything that we do is for God’s Glory. We have to remember Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice! Again I say Rejoice!” I mean yeah, life is difficult, and there are times where life feels mundane, but I believe firmly that there is always a greater purpose at the end of our lives, and that includes us being able to say we brought God the glory that he is due, that is the most important thing above all else.

I have a very daily and somewhat boring routine. I get up everyday, walk my dog, make breakfast for myself, make lunch for me and for Donna, and drive to work. I have however, changed some routine stuff. I have “Purpose Driven Life” on CD in my car, and I am currently up to day 16, so I listen to it each weekday (not on weekends), and I remember Rick Warrens saying today that LOVE is the most important thing in life above all others. I couldn’t agree more. I also read JESUS CALLING. I may have to start a section on my blog to reflect on that, much like my former blog’s “Flashdevo” section. Nevertheless, I have to refine some areas of my blog, I feel like I’m starting to lack.

But overall, my routine is a good thing because God is giving me things to keep my attention focused on a greater purpose. I also suppose the routine will be different considering that Hebrew is thrown into that mix, I have my first exam this Friday, I am very nervous, but hopeful about it, so I will see how God gets the glory through it.

Back to work, back to the grind.

In His Service,


Psalm 37:4

About Joel.D.Freeman

Full-time English teacher in East Asia. Writer, chef, dad, husband...
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1 Response to The Grind – The Daily Struggle

  1. The one thing I had to get used to about routines is that they require discipline, even on days where I’m not in the zone.

    Fantastic reminder that what we do contributes to God’s glory. Keep on trucking, brother.

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