
Anything Pixar does has to be good. When you are a fan of Disney movies like I am, you can’t be disappointed. Monsters Inc wasn’t exactly one of my favorites but this movie was the first prequel film that Pixar has ever done, and you could see how the story unfolds into the 2001 film from this story. I really only saw Monsters Inc for the trailer for Star Wars Episode II…

The main characters of the earlier film Mike and Sully are the best of friends, and they are a team working for the big company Monsters Inc (the film is named for it). In the Monster World, there are companies where the monsters work to scare people and collect their screams. The screams of a human being are used like electricity and charge the monster world. A really interesting and creative concept. Well…how does one learn to scare people?

They go to college.

Flashback 10 years before the events of the 2001 movie, and you find out that both Mike and Sully were college students. Mike goes on a tour of Monsters Inc when he was really young and saw a monster scare a kid, and he vowed that he would go to school (The monster he saw scare the kid had a Monsters University cap on).

The movie was really funny. I would equate to a Pixar version of Animal House minus the vulgarity. It had a lot of frat house humor, and hey, a lot of people can relate to being in college and making friends and becoming what you dream your life to be. It also teaches a lesson in what having friends means, because you never know when you will need to stick up for them or they will be there to stick up for you.

It was overall very well done and a great movie to take the family to…

About Joel.D.Freeman

Full-time English teacher in East Asia. Writer, chef, dad, husband...
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