Frozen Winter Series Part 7 – Anniversary

Having been married for 2 years does something to a person, it shows you what you are made of. Who you really are, and how you really love someone else. My wife Donna and I got married on January 7th, 2012. I was scared and nervous, but I never regretted the decision I made, I was in love and I still am. Love is a powerful thing, it grows, it changes, it takes us over and it reminds us of the love that Christ showed to us by dying for us on the cross.

For our 2nd anniversary, Donna and I traveled to San Antonio, and went to Six Flags Fiesta Texas. It was a great trip, and we enjoyed our time to ourselves as we just got away for a while.

More posts to come later on.

In His Service,



About Joel.D.Freeman

Full-time English teacher in East Asia. Writer, chef, dad, husband...
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