ROALD DAHL – Master Storyteller (2): Going Solo

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Since I wanted to know more about this enchanting author, I had to go through his autobiographic works before I read through the stories, so I decided I would read these 2 books; Boy and Going Solo before I read the fiction works.

Following all of Roald Dahl’s journies through school, this new book finds him in Africa, working for an oil company, and then serving with UK’s RAF where he almost dies in a plane crash. I find it interesting, but you can see where this author gets so much of his inspiration for his works, because of the stories he tells, some seem wild and outrageous, and others heart-felt, thinking that this is all made up and never happened, but then you find out…it all did happen. That’s what makes autobiographic works amazing to read.

My very favorite part of the story was this lady pretending to be dead while a lion carried her in his mouth, but had not bitten her. The area where Roald Dahl lived in Africa was near an animal preserve, so people naturally there would have aversions to animals and unfortunately have encounters with them.


About Joel.D.Freeman

Full-time English teacher in East Asia. Writer, chef, dad, husband...
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