ROALD DAHL – Master Storyteller (3): The BFG

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The BFG was the first novel I read out of the set that I received.

I had never heard of this story, and when I finally read it, I was so very impressed. Enter Sophie. She’s an oprhan, and she discovers something late one night that really changed her life; giants are real. One night, she peers out of her window and sees a giant peering into someone’s home, and when he sees her, she gets snatched.

Lucky for her, this was the BFG. He thinks that it is wrong to eat people, unlike the other 9 giants who live with him. The beasts describe the “flavor” of all of the people that they eat, ranging from sweet to sour to even spicy! When the giants go off to England, Sophie declares that they have to stop them. This is where the story gets interesting.

The BFG has giant ears, and he discovers that he can hear people’s dreams, and he can even make dreams. He catches the dreams in a jar and then puts the jar inside of his cave, and when Sophie figures this out, she has the brilliant idea of taking the dreams and mixing it so that someone would believe her and do something about it. With the mixed dream the BFG made, they take it to the Queen of England, hoping to have her help.

Gotta read the book for more.

About Joel.D.Freeman

Full-time English teacher in East Asia. Writer, chef, dad, husband...
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