Christmas Cookie Series (Part 3) – ROALD DAHL – Master Storyteller (6): Fantastic Mr. Fox


Another chance to read something by the best writer I know (well one of them) I had a chance to personally tutor my boss’ husband, helping him learn to speak English and came across this book in my set of Roald Dahl. Mr. Fox is clever, but he’s also arrogant. Notice how he doesn’t have a tail? Well he got it shot off in the story because he wasn’t paying attention while trying to get himself some food for his family. He is a determined individual, but this story talks about the lesson in having common sense, don’t get yourself into situations that are going to make you look less than intelligent or foolish. But with his cleverness, Mr. Fox comes up with a plan to save his families lives from the 3 crazed farmers that are obsessed with seeing them (all of the animals) dead. A brilliant story about using your brain and solving problems.

About Joel.D.Freeman

Full-time English teacher in East Asia. Writer, chef, dad, husband...
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