Movie Review – Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret!

Every girl dad needs to see this movie. It talks about what a girl growing up goes through, and gives insight to the typical antics that comes with being a teenager. HOWEVER, it takes place in 1970, so I would definitely say apart from the emotional/physical descriptions of being a teenage girl, a 2023 teenager will find very little to relate to if there’s not an iPad/iPhone or some sort of app for their life. Its amazing what 53 years have done for someone. Margaret is 13 here so now she’s 66 at this point if there ever were a sequel to the Judy Blume book. I have read several of the Judy Blume books and I have come to find that she does a great job just capturing life in its purist form, by not sugar coating what its like to go through puberty or changes of life in the physical sense. It also had a lot to deal with faith, as her mom is Christian and her dad is Jewish, and she was struggling with what to believe as a person. I definitely recommend this movie, especially if you have daughters.

About Joel.D.Freeman

Full-time English teacher in East Asia. Writer, chef, dad, husband...
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